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Welcome to our on-demand webinar library!  We hope you'll enjoy our valuable, quality, empowering classes on welfare-centered equine behavior, horse training, nutrition, hoof care, and more.  Check out our current offerings and return soon to see what's new!

Fear and Anxiety in the Horse

Horses experience fear and anxiety just like we do.  The behavior associated with these emotional states are widely misunderstood yet a completely natural part of the equine psyche. 

Your host, Dale Rudin explains the neuroscience, psychology, and physiology of equine fear and anxiety.  She will give you valuable tips for recognizing and managing these powerful yet essential equine emotions that will help you and your horse feel more confident and relaxed.    

With a clearer understanding of what motivates your horse's fear-based feelings, you can reduce triggers in his life and improve your horse's ability to cope when he's feeling stressed.


Recorded Webinar - 1 Hour



Equine Emotions


If you have questions about your horse's behavioral problems, understanding how his emotions work is your first step to finding the answers.  Horses are emotionally driven beings.  Every behavior has an emotional motivator that set it into motion. 

Learn how those emotions work from a scientific point of view.  Learn how to identify your horse's emotional states and the affect they have on his brain.  With this knowledge, you will have a deeper understanding of how your horse is receiving and processing information.  Imagine the benefits this information will have on your relationship, training sessions, and his well-being.


1:40 minutes



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